Nikki West

Well, not much to tell the pedos of the internet~ ;) The names NIkki and blow out the candles on August the 16th. Im really into anime/manga and Japanese culture. I'd really love to dress in a Kimono one day. >//< I spend most of my time on the computer, writing another chapter of my multiple novels in progress, a poem that expresses my sadistic side, or drawing another piece for deviantart. I also like to bake, roleplay, play video games, or code HTML >:D I listen to mostly rock, but i like stuff like techno/vocaloid as well. My range of music has grown since the 7th grade xD but as long as its not rap or country, Im good. Im the shy, not very talkative girl in class and unless you get to know me you wont know that im crazy. ;)