GRE Vocabulary Power (3-24)
單詞卡: 27
- 1.
- state of having two opposite qualities
- 2.
- having or causing lustful desires and thoughts
- arousing immoderate sexual desire
- 3.
- critical remark
- 4.
- everlasting
- 5.
- calm
- peaceful
- 6.
- of a schema or scheme
- relating to an outline or diagram
- using a system of symbols
- outline
- 7.
- lively or animated
- sprightl sprightly/lively
- 8.
- love deeply and respect highly
- 9.
- notorious
- conspicuously bad or shocking
- 10.
- brief explanation note or translation of a difficult expression
- 11.
- shackle
- restrict the freedom of
- 12.
- artificial
- pretended
- 13.
- properly made and complete
- 14.
- enrage
- infuriate(make furious)
- make extremely angry
- outrage
- N: aromatic substance burned to produce a pleasant odor
- 15.
- pledge of good faith especially in betrothal
- betrothal
- 16.
- penitent
- repentant
- 17.
- conceited person
- 18.
- soil
- defile
- make dirty
- 19.
- firm
- not changing
- steadfast
- 20.
- pleasing to taste or smell
- delicious
- 21.
- banish to the country
- dwell in the country
- 22.
- swamp gas
- heavy vaporous atmosphere often emanating from decaying matter
- pervasive corrupting influence
- noxious atmosphere or influence
- 23.
- father and ruler of a family or tribe
- 24.
- gratify
- yield to
- allow oneself a special pleasure
- 25.
- repentant
- 26.
- greed (for wealth)
- 27.
- pertaining to language