GRE Vocabulary Power (6-54)
單詞卡: 29
- 1.
- scrutinize
- study industriously
- ponder
- 2.
- gratuitously cruel
- willfully malicious
- unchaste
- sexually improper
- promiscuous
- unrestrained
- 3.
- be unfaithful
- reveal (unconsciously or unwillingly)
- 4.
- noisy quarrel
- 5.
- very poor person
- 6.
- chief
- N: priest
- most important
- cardinal number: number that shows quantity rather thatn order
- 7.
- one who is zealous
- fanatic
- person who shows excessive zeal
- 8.
- extinguish
- plunge into water or liquid
- dip
- immerse
- drench
- wet throughly
- throw water over
- dowse
- 9.
- role
- mental or physical ability
- position or duty
- ability to accommodate
- 10.
- deceive
- 11.
- low ship with sails (rowed along by slaves)
- 12.
- obtain by pulling violently
- pull away
- take by violence
- 13.
- specialist in classifying (animals, etc.)
- 14.
- chemical reaction that splits complex organic compounds
- unrest
- agitation
- 15.
- wallow (as in mud or high seas)
- lie soaked (as in blood)
- 16.
- lacking luster(shine
- gloss)
- dull
- 17.
- tropical hurricane or cyclone
- 18.
- state of collapse or weakness caused by illness or old age
- 19.
- in feudalism, one who held land of a superior lord
- subordinate or dependent
- 20.
- force into less space
- squeeze
- contract
- put into fewer words
- N: thick mass of cloth pressed to part of the body to stop bleeding or swelling, reduce fever, etc.
- 21.
- enroll (in college or graduate school)
- 22.
- write
- compose
- 23.
- writ(written command issued by a court) summoning a witness to appear in court
- V: summon with a subpoena
- 24.
- not normal
- not typical
- 25.
- believing that pleasure is good and suffering is bad and should be avoided
- 26.
- underwater explosive apparatus
- 27.
- items of business at a meeting
- 28.
- fame
- ADJ. renowned
- 29.
- fall sharply
- fall straight down