GRE Vocabulary Power (7-61)
單詞卡: 34
- 1.
- excessively fat
- 2.
- deteriorate
- become worse in quality
- ADJ: having become worse
- N: depraved or corrupt person
- 3.
- severe trial or affliction
- difficult experience
- trial(test of patience or endurance)
- affliction
- 4.
- red or white cell in the blood
- 5.
- convenient features that helps to make life pleasant
- social courtesies
- 6.
- lawsuit
- 7.
- speaking several languages
- multilingual
- 8.
- coarse
- of the common people
- deficient in refinement
- not refined
- crudely indecent word
- boor
- lout
- 9.
- return to a former state (esp. after improvement)
- 10.
- skillful (in using mind or hand)
- 11.
- changeable
- of a quickly changing nature (as of temper)
- mercurial
- tending to violence
- evaporating rapidly
- 12.
- cause to accept a doctrine without questioning it
- 13.
- railing in a courtroom
- legal profession
- vertical line dividing a staff into equal measures
- V: shut in or out with bars
- exclude
- forbid
- 14.
- unwillingness
- 15.
- take vengence for something or on behalf of someone
- 16.
- white with age
- 17.
- cliff
- dangerous position
- 18.
- capable of using either hand with equal ease
- 19.
- make or become putrid
- 20.
- cunning
- deceit
- wiliness
- duplicity
- 21.
- having to do with knowing or perceiving related to the mental processes
- 22.
- comfort in sorrow or trouble
- consolation
- V: comfort or console in time of sorrow or trouble
- 23.
- advance
- advocate
- advance in rank
- help to flourish
- help actively in forming
- publicize or popularize
- 24.
- mosaic
- inlaid
- 25.
- arrangement by rank or standing
- authoritarian body divided into ranks
- body of persons having authority
- 26.
- remove water from
- dry out
- 27.
- scrap of cloth
- ADJ. ragged: old and torn
- seeming unfinished and imperfect
- 28.
- person who does things too quickly without thinking
- ADJ. hotheaded
- 29.
- severe and adverse criticism
- critical comments
- limit or restriction
- 30.
- transmit (money) in payment
- free someone from a debt or punishment
- 31.
- dismay
- disconcert
- embarrass
- 32.
- babble
- (of a bird) sing
- 33.
- gully
- narrow channel formed by rainwater
- 34.
- plundering
- predatory animal or bird
- predatory person
- creature that seizes and devours another animal
- person who robs or exploits others
- ADJ. predatory: living by preying on other organisms